1. Naukri -www.naukri.com
It has one of the most comprehensive job searches and a plethora of opportunities.Clean interface provides excellent results across all categories. It also offers resume building services and resume flash through web based and sms alerts for you.
2. Monster India -www.monsterindia.com
Monster is a flagship brand of Monster Worldwide,Inc having the main objective to enable the job seekers find out about job/career and avenue to you.
3. Times Jobs - www.timesjobs.com
This site contains all types of jobs and helps individuals to find out job for your choice.It also offers a seperate portal for jobs in Middle East.
4. Shine - www.shine.com
Shine focuses on matching job opportunities with the applicant's unique skills and provides a salary benchmarking tool to you.
5.ClickJobs - www.clickjobs.com
This site allows to keep some of your information confidential if you desire. If a potential employer is interested to view your full profile,you will be directly contacted through your email.
6 & 7.Freshersworld/Vfreshers - www.freshersworld.com & www.vfreshers.com
These portals cater the jobs for freshers in India. They feauture sections such as Hot jobs,Govt/Technical jobs,Defence jobs,IT jobs,Careers,Company List and Interview tips.
8. Bixee - www.bixee.com
Bixee is one of the Asia's largest hybrid job portals with about 1.5 milion active jobs at any point of time.It filters and displays the most innovative jobs in user friendly manner.
9. Careerjet - www.careerjet.co.in
Careerjet is a job search engine which maps the huge seletion of job offerings available on the Internet. Users can query this database and save themselves the trouble of visiting each company's site individually to you.
10. CareerAge - www.careerage.com
It is regarded as one of the most comprehensive job portals in India,which help students as well as the career builders by providing detailed information on various career options to you.